Alumni Communications Opt-In Form

Don’t miss out on receiving important information about what’s happening at Pratt, both on campus and worldwide. Fill out the form below to ensure we have your most updated information to help us customize events and programming for your needs.

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What's this?

Action Required for General Data Protection Regulation Requirements

New data protection laws (including the General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR) give individuals more control over how their data is used and place certain obligations on institutions that process information about those individuals. Pratt Institute has always valued your privacy. You control your data and have choices about how Pratt Institute uses your information.

Please know that we will:

  • never sell your personal information to anyone for any purpose;
  • always strive to protect your privacy and keep your personal information safe (we use encryption and other security safeguards to protect your data);
  • fully disclose our privacy policy in plain language and make our policy easily accessible to you.

In accordance with the new requirements, we ask that you opt-in in order to continue to receive Institute communications and services, such as:

  • Invitations to events, including reunions
  • News from Pratt Institute
  • Communications from Alumni Engagement and Institutional Advancement

For your information, the Opt-In option will always be available to you on our website on this page. Thank you for choosing to opt-in so that we can stay in touch. If you wish to change your communication preferences, please contact

We want you to know exactly how we use the data you provide on our forms. By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the Pratt Institute Alumni and Supporters Privacy Notice and the Pratt Institute Privacy Policy.
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